Roy Wilsher OBE QFSM has been chosen by the Home Secretary as a new Inspector for Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Further details can be found at GOV.UK. Mr Wilsher will replace Zoë Billingham and will take up his post in the autumn. Mr Wilsher will be the first previous Chief Fire Officer to be appointed as an inspector at HMICFRS and will bring a wealth of operational fire experience to the role.
Mr Wilsher will join Sir Thomas Winsor (the Chief Inspector), Andy Cooke QPM, Matt Parr CB and Wendy Williams CBE as the other inspectors at the inspectorate. These inspectors have a statutory duty to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of fire and rescue services - as well as police forces. In doing so they provide the public with a clear and independent view of the performance of their local fire services and police forces.
For further information on the work of HMICFRS, please see their website: HMICFRS - Home (