Theme 8
Last updated: 28 February 2025
That the London Fire Brigade urgently take steps to obtain equipment that enables firefighters wearing helmets and breathing apparatus to communicate with the bridgehead effectively, including when operating in high-rise buildings.
Responsible for completion:
- London Fire Brigade
LFB launched the new MSA Breathing Apparatus (BA) Sets at 10am on the 11th March 2024. The transition was completed whilst successfully maintaining operational response standards and without impacting the service provided to communities of London.
The new equipment provides for improved communications across the incident ground, between BA wearers and the bridgehead. This is because the BA facemask has integrated voice communications built in, enhancing clarity of speech. This is coupled with the new fireground radios that have a greater power output and range, whilst still being intrinsically safe for use in flammable atmospheres.
The combined BA and Radio sets are in use upon average between 20-100 times per day. Firefighters are supported by a network of ‘Super Users’ who are able to provide peer technical support. Trade Unions have been directly involved in the design, implementation and communication of the additional support networks.
That urgent steps be taken to ensure that the command support system is fully operative on all command units and that crews are trained in its use.
Responsible for completion:
- London Fire Brigade
The LFB has reported that this recommendation has been completed.
The LFB has installed new hardware servers on all its Command Units, and 4G connectivity has provided enhanced functionality and reliability of the command support system. The Command Units are also each provided with two 4G enabled laptops to provide resilience and support more flexible access to the command support system remote from the Command Unit.
All Command Unit staff have completed refresher training.